Fitness Trainer

What Are The Most Sustainable Methods For Losing Weight?

Weight loss is a difficult subject. To put it vaguely, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each person has their own genetic makeup that determines how easily they retain and lose weight, depending on their circumstances. But, we all can lose weight, whether it be to prepare for safe plastic surgery or to reduce the health risks associated with obesity, Losing weight is sometimes essential.

The problems associated with weight loss arise when looking at societal standards and the unsuitable methods people adopt for rapid weight loss. Excessive, quick weight loss is never healthy and instead, people should be looking for more sustainable ways to lose weight and keep it off. Forget about ‘magic pills’ that are being marketed to manipulate weight loss. Instead, take a look at the following suggestions:

Daily exercise 

Exercise is not a favourite pastime for many people, but it also does not have to be complicated. To put it into perspective, engaging in a 40-minute brisk walk daily can be considered exercise. You do not need a gym membership to engage in sufficient exercise. Weight loss requires a multiset approach, and exercise is one of these layers. For sustainable weight loss, you should be factoring in at least 30 minutes of exercise into your routine each day. As said, this can be as simple as a walk, or if you are more active, this can also be a 30-minute Zumba class with all of your friends. Keeping your body moving will essentially support your cardiovascular system and burn off those calories one by one. Here are some exercise variations to consider:

Walking – Walking is accessible to just about everyone who wants to cut some pounds without buying a costly gym membership. Play your favourite music or podcast in your earphones, walk to your local park and forget about all of your troubles for this short period. Walking is even better after you have eaten, as it has been proven to support your digestive system, ultimately helping you process food.

Strength training – Strength training is muscle-targeted exercises that aim to initiate temporary strain to lead to a gradual increase in resistance. Despite common knowledge, you can burn just as many calories during a strength training session as you can during a cardio-targeted session. Weight training is a gradual process, so be sure to start by perfecting the body-weighted movements before you add weight. 

High-intensity cardio – High-intensity cardio training, also referred to as HIIT training, is one of the most effective fat-burning exercises. This can range from spin classes to sprinting bursts. The aim is to push your body as hard as possible within 45-second windows and allow minimal time for rest between each set. These short bursts of working motion are extremely effective at burning fat cells.

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Eating in a calorie deficit 

Now that you have some exercise inspiration, you need to look at your diet. If you have ever heard of the 80/20 rule, you will know how much of an important role diet plays in overall weight loss. 80% of the work comes from your diet choices, and 20% of the work derives from exercise. So, you need to make sure that you are eating a balanced and nutritious diet, in addition to eating in a calorie deficit. 

A calorie deficit entails eating less than your maintenance calories (the amount of calories needed to maintain your current weight). You can use this maintenance calorie calculator to see how much you currently need. Once you take this value, knock your intake down by 200 calories, and this should be your goal for the week. From here, you will need to weigh yourself again weekly and readjust your calorie deficit depending on how much weight has been lost. This is where most people go wrong, and eating too little often leads to bingeing, bringing you back to square one. 

Drinking plenty of water 

Last but not least, for sustainable weight loss, you need to be drinking a large volume of water. Water aids digestion, which is a key part of nutrition intake and helps you feel more energised. While you may be eating less, you should ideally be eating more nutrient-rich foods. Water will help your body absorb these nutrients, overall offering more energy for exercise to support weight loss.

Bottom line

Overall, it is possible to lose weight sustainably. Whether you choose to start running or even include a walk into your daily routine, you need to make sure that you are eating/ burning fewer calories than you are consuming to start seeing the pound shred off. Spend some time creating a fitness and diet plan, and start to see yourself feel much healthier and energised by losing weight.

While the process of losing weight the natural way can be time-consuming it’s a more rewarding and financially richer way of getting your weight down compared to visiting a plastic surgeon or breast augmentation in Manchester.