Diet Health Care

Sleep: The Missing Ingredient in your Summer Bulk

If gyms are packed and avocado sales are on the up, it’s likely that we’re heading into summer. That’s because there’s no better time to get in shape and start eating right, just in time to show off the benefits when you’re lying around the pool.

For many, the goal is to gain weight and pack on a bit of muscle. If this is you, you’re probably spinning a lot of plates—lifting heavier, hitting protein targets, and taking the right supplements. But the plate that often gets dropped is the one that has sleep written across it.

Sleep is a key ingredient in your summer bulk and getting enough sleep will have a positive impact on many other areas of your health kick. 

How much sleep do you need?

It’s recommended that adults between the ages of 18 and 64 get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Obviously, though, everyone is different and your job, weight, genetics and activity levels will all play a part in determining how much sleep your body needs.

Why is sleep beneficial for muscle growth?

During sleep, your body and muscles are recovering from the strenuous activities you’ve put them through in the previous days. Not only this, during sleep is when your body will top up your glycogen levels; glycogen is like fuel for your muscles, and ensuring your muscles are fueled to the max will allow you to hit the gym harder and for longer.

But the benefits of sleep can also carry over to the next day. Waking up refreshed after a lengthy night’s sleep will help you out in the gym the next day, energising you to keep hitting those PBs and pushing your body all the way each session. 

If you’re someone who likes to get your session in as soon as you’ve woken up, a good night’s sleep will also increase the chances of you waking up with a positive mindset, raring to go instead of reaching for the snooze button.

You’ll probably also find yourself managing to stick to better eating habits if you’re regularly getting a good amount of sleep. Research suggests that a lack of sleep can increase cravings for sugary foods which are obviously something you’ll want to avoid if muscle growth is your aim.

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Tips for a good night’s sleep

Most of us know that we need to get more sleep, but despite trying everything, many of us spend hours every night staring at the ceiling or tossing and turning. If you’re bulking up this summer, try these 4 tips when it comes to getting a better night’s sleep.

Invest in your bedroom

Creating the right sleeping environment is a great place to start when it comes to improving your sleep. View your bed and mattress as an investment in your well-being, not an area where you can save money.

The negative impacts of a bad mattress can range from taking longer to fall asleep to being the cause of back pain and strained muscles—neither of which are going to help your summer bulk.

But it’s not all about your bed; make sure your blinds or curtains are keeping all light out, consider the temperature of your room, and even invest in some decorative, silk pillowcases from camden or bedroom cushions and throws to create a dreamy welcome for your weary body.

Find the optimal time for your workout

Studies show that exercising throughout the day can increase your chances of a good night’s sleep. But getting your workout in too close to bedtime can potentially harm your sleeping. pattern. Some professionals recommend not exercising in the 3 hours before sleep as it can awaken your body.

Everyone’s body is different, however, and the type of exercise you’re partaking in will also have an impact. Consider this if your gym routine involves high-intensity and resistance training.

Resist the urge for a post-gym nap

If you are working out earlier in the day, it can be tempting to fit in a power hour in the early evening. Resist this at all costs. 

While napping can help provide some immediate refreshment, you may end up paying the price in the evening. Also, a bad night’s sleep will only increase the chances of your body crying out for a nap the following day, continuing a vicious cycle of bad sleep.

Limit screen time

If you’re invested in a summer bulk, it’s quite probable that you’ll want to spend your spare time doing a bit of homework. Fortunately, the internet is flooded with fitness tips, nutrition advice and motivational content. But unfortunately, consuming this content for two or more hours through a digital device could actually be counteractive. 

That’s because while you’re staring at a screen, you’re also suppressing the production of melatonin, referred to as the sleep hormone, and subsequently preventing your body and mind from falling into a tranquil state. 

Consider doing your late-night reading through a book or audio podcast to ensure you’re not impacting your sleep.

Final Thoughts

Sleep is often the overlooked cornerstone of any fitness journey. While protein shakes and gym sessions rightfully take centre stage, it’s the hours spent in slumber that truly transform your body. From muscle repair to hormonal balance, sleep is your secret weapon for achieving those summer gains. By prioritising sleep, optimising your sleep environment with luxury cushion covers, and adopting healthy sleep habits, you’re not just catching Zzz’s; you’re investing in your overall well-being and maximising your fitness potential. So, remember, as important as those gym sessions are, don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Your body will thank you.